Everything , Everywhere


Michelle Juma
4 min readMay 11, 2022
Life in general ; photo courtesy(https://twitter.com/adrian_aid_/status/1524069723813470209/photo/1), Photographer unknown

Waaay way past due in writing a fully comprehensive — -article, blog? Whichever fits. I decided to fully commit myself to finish or rather polish up on old projects . This came with an array of problems. Like a lost database — which is being fixed.

NB: The following post will cover a lot with hasty information.

PHP is a big elephant in my brain room

Over the past odd number of alot of days , we have touched extensively on:

  • Bit Manipulation
  • printf
  • File I/O
  • password hashing (Fun thing I did)


Simply put ,it is used to display output on your device. Copy, paste and run the following code snippets in this page to see. Example :

#include <stdio.h>int main() {

printf("Hello world");

return 0;
//Prints : Hello world

This however , only prints whatever is in our quoted brackets .What about when we want to print other data types?
Format specifiers come and camp here. Example:

#include <stdio.h>main() {
char ch = 'B';
printf("%c\n", ch); //printing character data
//print decimal or integer data with d and i
int x = 45, y = 90;
printf("%d\n", x);
printf("%i\n", y);
float f = 12.67;
printf("%f\n", f); //print float value
printf("%e\n", f); //print in scientific notation
int a = 67;
printf("%o\n", a); //print in octal format
printf("%x\n", a); //print in hex format
char str[] = "Hello World";
printf("%s\n", str);


These specifiy what type value you pass through and will want to be displayed.
More information here .

Bit Manipulation

This is applying logical operations( AND , OR , XOR , NOT ) on a sequence of bits or data shorter than a word ,to achieve a result.
There are a number of reasons to this mainly :

  • error detection and correction algorithms
  • data compression
  • optimization
  • encryption algorithms
  • low -level device control

Bitwise Operations

Bit Manipulations

Complexities were mentioned here also:

Time complexity O(n) — This is runtime depending on the n of digits.

  • It measures the time taken to execute each statement of code in an algorithm.
  • If a statement is set to execute repeatedly then the number of times that statement gets executed is equal to N multiplied by the time required to run that function each time.
  • This goes deeper to something called Big O notation.

Space complexity O(n) — This is the total space taken by an algorithm with relation to it’s input size.

  • Auxiliary space is the temporary or extra space used by the algorithm while it is being executed. Big O (O(n)) notation is widely used to indicate the space complexity of an algorithm.
  • The space complexity will be proportional to the size of the input and so cannot be less than O(n) for an input of size n to cover for different data sizes
  • For fixed-size inputs, the complexity will be a constant O(1).

More information can be found here .

File I/O — File input /output operations.

  • A stream is a conduit of communication between a program and the outside world. It is used to transport data objects sequentially.
  • An Input/Output (I/O) Stream represents a source of input or a destination of output.
  • A stream can represent a wide range of diverse sources and destinations, such as disk files, devices, other applications, and memory arrays.

File Descriptors (FD , fildes)

  • This is a unique identifier (handle) for a file or other input/output resource, such as a pipe or network socket.
  • Positive integer values are commonly used for file descriptors, with negative values reserved for “no value” or error circumstances.
  • They are a part of POSIX ( a family of standards specified by the IEEE Computer Society for maintaining compatibility between operating systems).
  • It should have three standards:
standard file descriptors
  • The file operations that can be performed on FD are:
    append() among others .

*Note: Side article to be made to expound file operations, soon.

Password_hashing — done on a PHP Project

This came about in storing passwords in my since then non-existent table.

For security ,ofcourse , I mean who would store their passwords plainly just like that on a db? whoooo?
pfshhh — looks away

This is makingpassword1234 to “dfghjkpr034283t1y01wh9eindwp”.

Fun yeah?To me it is ,cause it worked lol.

So anyways on your command line terminal for php project:
1. open interactive shell
run php -a
This will open an interactive shell with > denoted before you type your commands.

We will tell the system that we wanna scramble our password and store it in hash.
> $hash = password_hash(“password1234”, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
> echo hash;

- This will display our hashed password : dfghjkpr034283t1y01wh9eindwp

Ofcourse we need to tell our system that our scrambled words is infact our password so,
> $match = password_verify(“password1234”, $hash);
> echo $match;

This will return 1 if true (match), 0 (do not match)

You can quit after and store your scrambled password on your db. This can be done severally, for different users and passwords.

***Follow the links and read more kindly.

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