# Heading

Damn. Can I start like that? whatever. I wish I could have ‘waited for next week’.
People ask how school is going, — It’s going. Something is always due. This programme is studious ,not that I’m complaining , just putting it out there.
We had a C test. Out of nowhere. They asked us if we read what they told us to read. What things ? 😐
We expounded , still are, on shell — navigations,redirections, variables , expansion, the likes. I like their documentation, it’s written out of experience. You can tell a number of ‘oh shit’ moments happened.
Things I’ve learned and continue to learn:
- A command to make files executable.
$ git add --chmod=+x -- file_name
- Use of grep to search for anything : grep “value” file_name
-c stands for counting the ‘results’.
-i means case-insensitive, results irregardless of it’s -case.
-v means inverted , give me results but not of the value. - Sort | uniq | find| tr | $PATH | export | rev |type
- Funny thing , I call it double-0–7. Why? Something called Alias. Basically it lets you name any command or rather abbreviate it by storing with another name, hence alias.
alias [name="value"] || alias p="pdw"
** I wrote pdw instead of pwd to bring about one reason among others they came up with this ; incase you misspell your command.
- Markdown text , explained below by my genius friend.

Now you see what I did up there ?
It is a learning process -and* progress . Proud to say my commits have upped to 197 at present. Yay for me .
Next week?