Linux , Git , Emacs & Vi.
Second week in and I can say I learnt alot than I thought I would. Basically what we have done is stuff — with shell , CLI but let me break it down.
Unix/ Shell Navigation.
What is this? you might or not ask. Whichever , I am still going to tell you.
-The shell is the Linux command line interpreter.
-It provides an interface between the user and the kernel and executes programs called commands.
Some of the basic commands are :(*- suffix the file or directory name)
pwd(view working directory) ,
cp *(copy) ,
cd *(change working directory) ,
less *(see file details),
touch *(creates empty file) ,
ls (lists file in a dirctory),
rm *(removes /deletes files),
rm -r *(deletes files and contents) and other commands , not hard.
*** More information :
This is sort of a command line for/of github? Correct me if I am wrong.
My github has had more commits yesterday than the whole of Jan.
But you can push(upload your code) ,
pull (download your code),
commit(comment changes you have made)and
clone(make a copy and edit?) and also
branch (this lets you sort of diverge without affecting the already working code), also helps in where a project has alot of devs on it.
We also learnt how to write README’s (telling other people about your project)
This is mostly used in the unix shell , sort of editing and all that for files. It comes default in all Unix. I like this one , than Emacs -(rolls eyes).
It’s commands are not complex and it is easy to understand.
More info found here :
What is this ? God , I cannot even tell you what this is . All I can say is that you can play tetris by invoking M-x Tetris.
According to a site — it is a programming platform, not just another editor in the sense that people think.
You also have to add C-x(Control X)to every [command]. Example is saving a file is C-x C-s.
People like this editor , I do not know why , but we will learn it with time.
NB: I am writing all this information according to my understanding so if I get something wrong , tell me. It is a learning process.
I cannot wait for next week.