that’s me! most of the time

*Pointers , […]Arrays & Recursion

Michelle Juma
4 min readApr 5, 2022

Do you get it now?

It has been two weeks since, I believe. Boggling my mind to come to terms with everything. And debugging. deep heavy sigh.

Ever since I knew about rubber duck debugging ,— taking a rubber duck and explaining your whole code to it. All of it . — I feel like all my errors gaslight me . Like it’s not me, it’s you. An endless one-way conversation with my laptop.

what the [bleep]? — -Nothing
why won’t you [bleep] worrrrk!!! — silence
agh [bleep] this btw
oh shit.

Gruesome. I know. Let’s get on with it.


Simply put, there are those people in life who always knows a guy. No, they do not have what you want, but they know someone who has. That guy is a *pointer. What you want now, is the pointed.

  • These are used to store addresses of the pointed.
    - They point you to where the value is.
  • - Pointers are declared by denoting an asterisk just before the variable:
(ways of declaring a pointer)int *p; --- pointer to an integerchar *c -- pointer to a characterint* p1, p2; -- we have declared a pointer p1 and a normal variable p2.
- They hold the addresses with the (&) sign
  • Assigning Pointers with value.

Here we initiate pointer pc and var c. We assign it a value 5. Then we say our pointer will point(hold address) our pointed.

int* pc(pointer), c(pointed);c = 5;
pc = &c;
  • Get value of the pointed.
    The address of c is assigned to the pc pointer. To get the value stored in that address, we used *pc.
printf("%d", *pc); //output not use *pc = &c; -- (just don't)
  • Change value of the pointed.
    After initialization, we append our values.
    We then store the address of our pointed in our *pointer.
    We then change the value of our pointed and try to print out the value, hence.
int* pc, c;c = 5;
pc = &c;
c = 1;
printf("%d", c); // Output: 1
printf("%d", *pc); // Ouptut: 1
  • There are double **pointers. They point to the pointer of the pointed. (These are the guys who knows a guy who knows a guy.)
  • More information on pointers can be found here and here.

arrays [value]

  • The mother of storage. It can be used to store alot of values in a single variable. They are declared as :
dataType varName[no_of_elements]int t [5];  //Here we have initialized an array of 5 integers.
  • Initialization
    These are the possible ways to initialize our variables.
int t[5] = {5, 68, 1000, 3, 467};
int t[] = {5, 68, 1000, 3, 467};
  • Accessing arrays
    Arrays always start with a zero when counting it’s values.
    To access the value 1000 in our array , we count from 0 which space it is in.
int t[2];   /// output 1000
int t[4]; ///output 467
  • Changing values.
    To change the value , we access the array we want and assign a new value.
int [0] = 1;
int [0]; //output will be 1 from 5
  • Multidimensonal Arrays.
    These are arrays that hold other arrays. int x [y][z]|| int a [b][c][d]
  • A times table is an example of two dimensional arr. More information ← — there.


Very recursive concept. You can get it then you don’t. You repeat the process till you get it. — Get it? No?Okay.

Recursion is a function that calls itself. The explanation on why it does this is easy.

  • It breaks down the problem to smaller problems(solutions).
  • It solves the smallest problem and repeats itself back up till it solves the biggest problem.

Case Example: You are 15 min walk away from home.

function goHome(){
first ,if you are at home -- we stop walking //(base case)
if not, we take a step towards home //method goHome(); //function calling itself

This is a continous process of walking till we get home. By taking small steps , we solve the function of going home.

  • We see the structure of a recursive function.
    1. Base case — this is the end-point of our case.
    It checks if we have fullfilled our whatever we wanted.
    It prevents the function from forever executing.
    2. Method — This is the body of our function, where we write how we are to solve this small task.
    3. Function calling — The function calls itself. This loops it back to the base case and then ….repeats itself. See, recursive.

Now, do you get it?
Yes? Good .
No? Let’s try this again.

Open this link in new tab 😁

  • Major life examples are factorial! and fibonacci(next num is the sum of the previous two numbers).
    It always starts with 0, 1. So, a series (9) of fibonacci is :
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21

There is much I can write to a point, but I hope we have understood this.

Commit count: 420.

